Brandy and Monica stopped by the Breakfast club to promote their latest single " It All Belongs To Me". They also talked about Whitney Houston, Monica's Stalker, Twitter and many other topics.
A few excerpts and video:
Monica on if the rumors were true that she and Brandy had issues in the past
Well, we didn’t know each other. What happened was they did they same thing that they do with rappers now or females-–they kind of create it first and we were young enough to just fall into the trap. So, we didn’t like each other. We didn’t communicate. We didn’t perform the record outside of the one time on the MTV awards. We never even wanted to be in each other’s presence for many years.
Let’s be clear though, at 16 and 17 that’s one thing, but at these ages that’s unacceptable. It’s too much to be done, and we can do more together than we can separately. So, we don’t feed into that now but back then-–you talking about 14 and a half years ago, yeah.
Brandy on ‘The Boy Is Mine’
It was interesting because I felt like the drama is what made me want to even do the song with her because we had this great song, Rodney and I, ‘The Boy Is Mine’ and I’m like “Oh, my God we should put Monica on this because it would shock people that we would even get on a song together. Since people are already putting us against each other this would be the perfect song.” It was basically built off of the drama that everybody else created, and we hadn’t even met each other.
Brandy on celebrating her birthday the day Whitney died:
I didn’t celebrate at all. It was just a really weird day. It was difficult for the both of us and I was actually happy that Monica was right there. We shared that moment together and it was just tough, very tough and it’s still tough. It comes in waves.
I’m not looking at the fact we lost an icon. I lost a friend. I lost somebody that experienced some things that even that I had not, and she was very open with me and very real about some of the things I needed to do to kind of get myself back on track. So it was hard spending days with her. I’m thankful for the days that we spent but to lose somebody so suddenly… We go to the eighth floor, and you go to the fourth, and we never see you again… That’s not easy man; we’re human and we’re still trying to figure it out. We’re trying to deal with it together and I think it brought us even closer because we’re still two separate individuals and I think that brought about the realization it’s really time to come full circle.
Monica On being attacked by a stalker
I opened the door and there she came. She was like humongous, tall and very big. She was in the dressing room. We walked into the venue and I opened the door.
The point is sometimes the way I kick it, is not the safest thing for me. I like being by myself. I like doing my own thing sometimes. Taking my kids to do fun things-–I do a lot of things by myself. When it comes to twitter, I had to realize that some things just don’t need a response because the truth don’t need support. It is what it is, so I had to accept the fact that it’s not like it used to be where you had real journalism and people cared enough to reach your people to see if something was true before they talked about it, responded to it or put it all over the world.
Monica talks about twitter:
It’s unfortunate that you have people at home that don’t realize that this is just another way to make money off them. When you log on, you click, you entertain and correspond this just puts money in somebody’s pocket. It doesn’t put you closer to the artist because most of the stuff is not even true. Once I realized that most things don’t need a response, twitter has become a very fun thing for me. I really don’t care what’s being said. I talk about what’s real to me.
I agree with Monica comments about twitter. People get so caught up with the entertainers on twitter, and forget they are their to make money.
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